Leadership in The Manufacturing Revolution
Mike DiLeo shared in Manufacturing.net that it is an exciting time to be in manufacturing, but that means change in the industry - and lots of it. The existing and emerging technologies that are creating a new Industrial Revolution in the manufacturing sector are also creating new demands for leadership in change management skills, metrics, and more.
As tech innovation is driving business decision-makers to be more effective in a rapidly changing and competitive environment, they are seeking more professional certifications to support the ability to excel. While the need for professional certifications like Six Sigma is true in a wide range of industries - health care and retail among them - it's in the traditional "home" of Six Sigma, the manufacturing space, that investment in leadership skills and analytic Six Sigma framework are likely to pay off.
Consider some of the developments identified by Industry Week as the top five manufacturing trends to shape the 2015 market. At the top of the list is the so-called "SMAC Stack," the next-generation IT approach designed to streamline social, mobile, analytics, and cloud into a single architecture that delivers what Ed Anderson, a research VP at Gartner, has called a digital critical mass. SMAC Stack changes the manufacturing game, but these customer-focused trends force what Michael Kotelec at Verizon views as "cultural change within a historically conservative if it ain't broke don't fix it' industry."
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