Compensation and Demographics of Manufacturing CEOs
Manufacturing CEOs compensation varies greatly depending on company revenue, global footprint, stock compensation, and other variables. According to Payscale, Manufacturing Chief Executive Officers in the United States sees an average salaries - about $155K annually. Total cash earnings of Chief Executive Officers range from $73K on the low end to $412K on the high end; the final amount can include bonuses and profit sharing proceeds that occasionally exceed $141K and $103K, respectively.
Residence and experience level each impact pay for this group, with the former having the largest influence. Most people in this field love their work, finding it both fun and rewarding. A large number report receiving medical coverage from their employers and the larger part collect dental insurance. There are far more male Manufacturing Chief Executive Officers survey respondents than women, making up 83 percent. (Note: ten years ago there were only 3% of female Manufacturing CEOs.)