World Logistics Center Largest Logistics Hub in the United States
The World Logistics Center project was approved in Southern California by the Moreno Valley City Council this past month. The complex will be a 40.6 million square foot logistics hub, making it the largest in the nation, creating over 20,000 new jobs. It will be built in two phases with completion dates of 2022 and 2030.
Supply Chain Outlook 2016 and Beyond
The Supply Chain Outlook Summit will take place on November 2 -3 in Chicago, IL. The keynote speaker is economist Brian Beaulieu who sees an improving economy over the next 24 months, with forward thinking companies expanding their capabilities. The upcoming Supply Chain Outlook Summit 2015 will feature ten different speakers who have their fingers on the pulse of the most important changes impacting supply chain management over the next 2-3 years. At the event, Beaulieu will present a keynote speech detailing the upcoming economic forecast for the supply chain.
An economist with ITR Economics since 1982 and its CEO since 1987, Beaulieu has been providing workshops and economic analysis seminars in seven countries and to thousands of business owners and executives for the last 31 years. Over that period, Beaulieu has also consulted with companies that need a domestic and global perspective on how to forecast, plan, and increase profits based on business cycle trend analysis.
The Q&A with Supply Chain Outlook, Beaulieu discussed how supply chain managers need to prepare now for the projected economic growth - both domestically and in Europe. Beaulieu shared, "I'm looking carefully right now at the positive economic growth trends that are coming in 2016 and 2017. We expect the domestic economy to do better across this 24-month period, which means companies should be thinking now about how to scale up for and accommodate this expansion. Companies need to have the right levels of qualified labor, working capital, and equipment to successfully manage their growth and be profitable. If they aren't prepared in advance, they're going to find that these key resources (labor, capital, and equipment) are in short supply. Labor is obviously already an issue across many sectors, and you can't get new capital equipment at the drop of a hat. The companies that have to scramble to create capacity won't be as profitable as those that prepare ahead."
Retailers Look to Data for Upcoming Holiday Shopping and Supply Chain Trends
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